On Tue, 20 Jun 2023 at 22:18, Mogens Lemvig Hansen <mog...@kayju.com> wrote:
> It struck we as weird to put the lyrics inside the DrumStaff, so I tried 
> something closer to what I would have done for a choir:
> \score {
>   <<
>     \new DrumStaff <<
>       \new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \CyBars }
>       \new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \DrBars }
>     >>
>     \new Lyrics { \PrOne }
>   >>
> }
> Looks better to my eye.
> Regards,
> Mogens

Yet if the lyrics are something as:

PrOne = \lyricmode {
  \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
  \skip 1 "Lyrics for introduction"1
  \skip 2 "Lyrics for introduction"2
  \skip 1. "Lyrics for introduction"2
  \skip 1. "Lyrics for introduction"2
  \skip 1. "Lyrics for introduction"2

They still clash with the tuplet bracket.

I think the problem is caused by Lilypond putting too many systems on
the page (have no idea why). The verbose output says
'warning: compressing over-full page by 15.2 staff-spaces
warning: page 1 has been compressed'.

I added \paper { max-systems-per-page = 12 } and it seems to work as it should.


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