One of the oldest of all LilyPond bugs, to do with items which take no musical 
time.  You need to put a dummy grace note before the c in the upper staff; 
\grace s8 will do it.


 From:   Jin Choi <> 
 To:   <> 
 Sent:   15/08/2023 19:30 
 Subject:   grace notes/acciaccaturas occur before time signature change if 
only in bass clef 

In the following snippet, a change of time signature appears after an 
acciaccatura if the time change happened in one staff without a grace note but 
a grace note appears in some other staff. Is there a way to fix this without 
making sure the time change always appears in the staff with the grace? 

\version "2.24.1" 
upper = \relative c' { 
  \key c \major 
  \time 2/2 
lower = \relative c { 
  \clef bass 
  \acciaccatura c8 c1 
\score { 
  \new PianoStaff { 
    \new Staff = "upper" \upper 
    \new Staff = "lower" \lower 

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