A)  Don't find "use cygwin" as a Plugins > Plugin Options.  Do find a place
to set the Bash path at Plugins > Plugin Options > Plugins > LilyTool, but
nothing I guess works.  Saving from jEdit and invoking as "lilypond -f ps
test" from a Cygwin window is effective.
Sorry, that means you use the latest stable version of LilyPondTool. Bash path should be c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe. If you installed cygwin to some other place, reinstall.

B)  Don't find an option to display results as pdf.
If you use the latest lilypond (2.4.6), it does generate a pdf.

C)  Exactly what does Plugins > LilyTool > Process/view > Run Lilypond do?
Runs lilypond on the current file.

D)  There is no jedit.properties file.  Do find . . . \.jedit\properties
that includes some fonts and colors.  Deleting it doesn't restore the
defaults.  A new identical (except for time stamp) copy is created.

Strange. Now I have no other idea regarding this case.


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