I will try and solve this by adding an optional NullVoice to my part generator.

What I was hoping for before was :

\groupBook #(groupPart
                ,(vocalPartCombinePart 'choirSA 'choirSoprano
'choirAlto choirSopranoVxSA choirAltoVxSA choirSopranoLyricsSA
choirAltoLyricsSA structure '((inAGroup . #t)))
                ,(nullLyricsPart 'SA-TB choirCommonNullMusic
choirCommonNullLyrics structure)
                ,(vocalPartCombinePart 'choirTB 'choirTenor 'choirBass
choirTenorVxTB choirBassVxTB choirTenorLyricsTB choirBassLyricsTB
structure '((inAGroup . #t)))
                ) 'choirSA-TB '((choirStaff . #t))) "choeur-SA-TB" choirSA-TB

I could add this flag
'((inAGroup . #t) (extraNullLyrics . #t))
and supply the music to the function.

Thank you very much Jean, Carl, and David (& al. obviously).
Your help and insights means everything to this list.
Pierre-Luc Gauthier

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