Le mer. 16 août 2023, à 10 h 33, Kieren MacMillan <kie...@kierenmacmillan.info> a écrit : > Yeah… but “conditional” = “manual” in my case
(Whining) But, but, but… I have about 60 parts in 4 editions each for 12 complete scores… Of course adding a blank-first-page is trivial e.g. : gs -o odd-first-page.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -c showpage -f even-first-page.pdf The problem I get is to know which pdf start with an even page number. Maybe I can but have not I've not managed to get relevant info with pdfinfo or exiftool. I somehow thought there would be a standard flag in PDFs that would say something like : first-page-even = true. So the strategy I figured could be quite ugly but I think feasible is to make lilypond add e.g.: the word "-processMePlease-" to every pdf it creates that are first-page-even. Then iterate over all pdf generated and add the blank page and rename the file without this "-processMePlease-". Any thoughts on the subject ? -- Pierre-Luc Gauthier