On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 8:09 PM Ken Ledeen <kled...@nevo.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> From time to time I would like to include / exclude portions of the total
> score. For now, in the crudest of ways, I just comment out the parts I
> don't want (%{ ..... %}).  That works, of course, but I was wondering if
> there was a more elegant way.
> Ideally I would have some variable that I set to boolean #t or #f to
> indicate what I want included.  Then, instead of the  %{ .... %} if would
> be something like
> if includeFlag {   ...       }
> Then I wouldn't have to search around for where I'd included the comment
> start and end brackets.
> I found the scheme if function but it didn't seem like an option.
> Many thanks in advance

Ooh, ooh! A chance to share something that I've been taught here! ;-) Not
quite what you're looking for but it may give you ideas...

In my case, I have a lot of LilyPond files that I recompile too often --
mostly because I learn some more clever way of doing something and then go
back and change all of the old files. But, sometimes I want PDFs with a set
page size for printing, and sometimes I want SVGs with infinitely
long pages for the web. So a conditional based on an environment variable
which is set based on an argument to the Bash script. So, a conditional
expression and an include based on the value of the variable constructed:


% Use environment variable to decide if discrete pagination (PDF) or
% continuous pagination (SVG). Default to SVG if none defined.
pageBreaking = #(string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.local/lib/lilypond/"
                (if (getenv "PAGE_BREAKING") (getenv "PAGE_BREAKING")
"svg") ".ily")
\include \pageBreaking


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