> On 18 Nov 2023, at 14:29, Hans Aikema <hans.aik...@aikebah.net> wrote:
> And then I realised…. It can even be done in a simpler way: swap out the 
> \bar”||” custom bar for \section and lilypond already knows that it should 
> create both a section-end bar at the end and a repeat-start at the start of 
> the next line
>   \repeat volta 2 {
>     c1
>   } \break
>   c1 \section
>   \break
>   \repeat volta 2 {
>     c1
>   } \break

Which upon searching for \section in the documentation I even discovered to be 
used in the documentation for the automatic barlines

>> On 18 Nov 2023, at 14:26, Peter Mayes <pe...@petermayes.org> wrote:
>> Many thanks.
>> I think there is a typo in what you supplied, but with the documentation 
>> reference, I got what I wanted:
>>   \defineBarLine "||.|:" #'("||" ".|:" #f)
>> I needed "#'" before the definition, and I reversed the order of the 
>> arguments, to get the double bar before the opening repeat bar.
>> Your help much appreciated!
>> Peter
>> On 18/11/2023 12:56, Hans Aikema wrote:
>>>> On 18 Nov 2023, at 13:30, Peter Mayes <pe...@petermayes.org> 
>>>> <mailto:pe...@petermayes.org> wrote:
>>>> The score I am trying to emulate has an initial repeated section, a 
>>>> non-repeated section, and another repeated section. The non-repeated 
>>>> section ends with a double bar line, but when I add this (as in bar 7 
>>>> below), it suppresses the opening repeat in the following section (in bar 
>>>> 8). I want both the double bar, AND the opening repeat. How to achieve 
>>>> this?
>>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Peter,
>>> You can get what you desire with a dedicated custom-defined barline
>>> I modified your example to get the desired carline behaviour in-between 
>>> measure 2 and 3
>>> \version "2.25.4"
>>> \paper { ragged-right = ##t }
>>> % See also 
>>> https://lilypond.org/doc/v2.24/Documentation/notation/bars#bar-lines
>>> \defineBarLine "||.|:" (".|:" "||" #f)
>>> music = \relative c'' {
>>>   \key c \major
>>>   \time 4/4
>>>   \repeat volta 2 {
>>>     c1
>>>   } \break
>>>   c1  \bar "||.|:"
>>>   \break
>>>   \repeat volta 2 {
>>>     c1
>>>   } \break
>>>     \repeat volta 2 {
>>>     c1
>>>   } \break
>>>   c1 \bar "||"
>>>   \break
>>>   \repeat volta 2 {
>>>     c1
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> \score {
>>>   \new Staff {
>>>     \music
>>>   }
>>>   \layout {}
>>> }
>>>> -- 
>>>> Best wishes -- Peter
>>>> --
>>>> Peter Mayes
>> -- 
>> Best wishes -- Peter
>> --
>> Peter Mayes
>> 07460 890503

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