I searched for a way to shift notes horizontally but when I shift the
half-note chord in the first voice below, it shifts the second eighth-note
in the second voice, forcing it to stay to the right of the half-note. When
I tried adding something to shift the beamed eight-notes to the left, it
shifted only the first eighth-note, continuing to anchor the second to the
right of the half-note.

What I want is for the two eighth-notes to stay to the left, and for the
half-note to appear to the right of it.

This is what I have at the moment, with the shift commented out. (The "#10"
is just an experiment, not necessarily the final value.)

%     \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #10
      <fs, d'>2~            |
      <fs d'>4\fermata s4   |
      d'8[ b8] s4           |
      s4 d4                 |
  \bar "|."

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