The way I'd do it is to force the length of the held note to match that of the 
sung cadenza by multiplication.  For instance if there is a semibreve c being 
held while the cadenza part adds up to 7 crotchets, I'd write it as c1*7/4.  
But you could just write it normally and pad it out with skips (s2. in this 
instance) I guess.


 From:   John Burt <> 
 To:   lilypond-user <> 
 Sent:   26/12/2023 20:21 
 Subject:   Hold a note the length of a cadenza 

Dear list,While one part is singing a cadenza another part is holding a long 
note. I know how to make a rest or a skip the length of a cadenza bu not how to 
make a held note the length of the cadenza.
John Burt 

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