
I’m writing a score and I’d love to rearrange all the elements in the order I 
As MacMillan suggested in a previous message 
<https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2023-12/msg00237.html>), to 
rearrange dynamics after lyrics we made up this code:

        % DYNAMICs
        \new Dynamics
        \with {
            \remove Script_engraver
            \remove Text_engraver

The problem comes when I’d love to separate some expression marks from some 
other text.
I will be clear: in this composition I want to mark the prosody signs and some 
expression in the same .ily file and then rearrange it in the main file.
For exemple this passage:

    b4^"—"\pp\(\< b8^"⏑"\) b4^"—"\(\mf\> b8^"x"\)\pp |
    \override TextSpanner.bound-details.left.text = \markup { \italic { 
vacillant }}
    b4^"—"\(\startTextSpan b8^"⏑" b8^"⏑" b4^"-"\stopTextSpan\) |
    r8 b16.^"⏑"\p^\markup { \italic { exhalé }} r32 b8^"-"~\( b8 b4^"⏓"\) |

Do you have any idea on how can I separate the “\markup” from the “^” in the 
Hope it’s clear.
Thank you,

Is anyone of this community in Paris?
I’d love to know a lilypond user IRL, it’s kinda rare for me.


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