On Thu, 2024-01-11 at 12:40 +0000, Eef Weenink wrote:
> Thank you Richard
> You say: “ 
> You don't have to use 5 as the implicit figure:”
> Try:
> -----
>     \new FiguredBass \with { implicitBassFigures = #'(0) }   
> \figuremode {
>       \set figuredBassAlterationDirection = #RIGHT
>       \set figuredBassPlusDirection = #RIGHT
>       \override BassFigureAlignment.stacking-dir = #DOWN
>       <6 5->8 <0 4->8
> ----------
> So my choosing the number as “0” (or any other). I can use that
> number instead of the original to have it surpressed.
> Good to know. For pratical reasons (not getting lost in my scores ☺ )
> I will set this everytime to “5” or what number needed (in figured
> bass, I know about the 5 not being needed to mention, because if
> nothing written it is always 5.

If you think about it, that's not true! There are many notes which
remain unfigured where it is left to the performer to judge that a
change of harmony is not required. Indeed, usually the majority of
And conversely, you do see the 5 even when it is not the resolution of
a suspension.

>  Maybe also some other numbers to surpress? )

Well, just to keep track of what the figure being suppressed is, you
could use 55 in your implicitBassFigures list - it would mean you only
have to declare the list once. Then you would write the figure 55 for
those 5's which are being suppressed.

I have to say that if I came across your example in performance I would
imagine it was the 6 on the note earlier that was being extended. But
then, as the figures are appearing below the staff, the figures are
perhaps intended for academic use only?

Richard Shann

> Anyway most clear is to implicitBassFigures=”5” and write 5
> To ease my life: 
> declare in the beginning: 
> ---------
> extendOn = \bassFigureExtendersOn
> extendOnImpFive = { \bassFigureExtendersOn 
>                     \set implicitBassFigures = #'(5)}
> extendOff = {\bassFigureExtendersOff 
>                     \set implicitBassFigures = #'()}
> -----------
> use as needed
> Regards, Eef

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