[Graham Percival]

> [...] if somebody posts in another language, it's almost certainly
> because they don't feel that they can communicate in English.

Requiring English out of stubbornness is just not acceptable, of course.
Some people have to be reminded, once in a while, that we are living on
a planet, and that they are not the mandatory center of this universe.

This being said, most Lilypond users know they have a wider chance of
being understood, replied to and helped, if they write in English.
This is merely the statement of current state of things, with nothing
judgemental in it.  Moreover, the preponderance of English not likely to
change for quite a long while still.

Until now, I see the occurrence of non-English messages as much more
refreshing than polluting.  Let's welcome them.  When I cannot make a
meaning out of the words, I can at least hear the music in them, and
especially here, we should all be sensitive to all kind of music! :-)

François Pinard   http://pinard.progiciels-bpi.ca

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