There is also some code in the list archives:

> 1 feb. 2024 kl. 00:49 skrev Robin Bannister <>:
> Stan Sanderson wrote:
>> Certain marks are used to indicate emphasis (phrase breaking) and 
>> across-staff fingering. 
> I don't know about the phrase breaking, but you could try doing the 
> across-staff fingering with my undocumented code, called thumbBracket.
> Look at the Reger 17 and 60 examples in the demo.
> The .ily file provides the \thumbBracket funtion which the demo file 
> abbreviates to \thBr.  You call this with a string parameter which starts 
> with the letter R or L, for right or left.  You can then append a digit to 
> make the stem longer.
> The attached files are updated versions which need 2.24 and should be ok with 
> Guile3.
> Cheers,
> Robin
\version "2.24.0"

% compatibility changes: u15k0830 u23k0114

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +thumb bracket

#(define (make-thumb-bracket-props location spec-str settings-alist) 
  (define (inchar? index) (> (string-length spec-str) index))
  (define (inchar  index) (string-ref spec-str index))
  (define (char->dir ch) 
   (case (char-upcase ch) ((#\R) 1) ((#\L) -1) (else 0))) 
  (define (char->digit ch)
   (if (char-numeric? ch) (- (char->integer ch) (char->integer #\0)) 0))
  (define (inhit->1 key-str) (if (string-contains spec-str key-str) 1 0))
  (define (get key) (assq-ref settings-alist key))
  (define (warn p1 p2) (ly:input-warning location 
   (G_ " bad thumb-bracket:   ~a ~a~a~a") p1 "\"" p2 "\"")) ; cf 
  (let* ( ;% decode spec                                                                     
    (vdir            (if (inchar? 0) (char->dir   (inchar 0)) 0))
    (vbigger  (* 0.5 (if (inchar? 1) (char->digit (inchar 1)) 0)))
    (vfurther (* 0.5 (if (inchar? 2) (char->digit (inchar 2)) 0)))
    (hcloser  (* 0.5 (if (inchar? 3) (char->digit (inchar 3)) 0)))
    (hrear    (* 0.5 (if (inchar? 4) (char->digit (inchar 4)) 0)))
    (vbigger+ (* 5 (string-count spec-str #\|)))
    (posdir   ((if (string-contains spec-str "*") - +) vdir))
    (hcloser? (eq? (string-contains spec-str "!") #f))
    (vtip=?   (string-contains spec-str "="))
    (hdir-req (- (inhit->1 "]") (inhit->1 "[")))
    (closed? (char-lower-case? (inchar 0))))
   (if (zero? vdir) (begin (warn "first char in" spec-str) '())
   (let* ( ;% collect settings
    (hdir-init (get 'hdir-init))   (htip (get 'htip)) 
    (vtip (get (if vtip=? 'vtip= 'vtip)))  
    (vstem (get 'vstem))   (vmin (get 'vmin))   (hvernier (get 'hvernier))
    (vO 0) (hO 0) (hpad-base 0.5) ;% givens
    (hdir (if (zero? hdir-req) hdir-init hdir-req))
    (hflip? (positive? hdir))
     (if (positive? hdir) (cons hO (+ htip hrear)) (cons (- hrear) htip)))
    (vsize (+ vtip (if closed? vtip vstem) vbigger vbigger+))
    (vsize+ (if (and closed? (< vsize vmin)) (- vmin vsize) 0))
    (vshift (+ vfurther vtip (* 0.5 vsize+)))
    (bracket (lambda (grob) (let* ( ;% collect chord range from grob
      (vnote-lo-hi (ly:grob-property grob 'positions))
      (vnote ((if (eq? posdir 1) cdr car) vnote-lo-hi)))
     (grob-interpret-markup grob (markup #:translate (cons 
        ((if (positive? hdir) - +) hvernier) (- vnote (* vdir vshift)))
       #:combine #:draw-line (cons htip vO) #:combine 
        #:translate (cons hO (if closed? (* vdir (+ vsize vsize+)) vO))
         #:draw-line (cons htip vO)
        #:translate (cons (if (positive? hdir) htip hO) vO)
         #:draw-line (cons hO (* vdir (+ vsize vsize+)))))))))
    ;% alist of props for misusing Arpeggio as a thumb bracket
    `((stencil . ,bracket) 
      (X-extent . ,h-interval) 
      (padding . ,((if hcloser? - +) hpad-base hcloser)) 
      (direction . ,hdir) 
      (thickness . ,(get 'weight)))))))

thumbBracketEx = #(define-music-function 
  (spec settings) (string? list?)
 (let* (
   (props (make-thumb-bracket-props (*location*) spec settings)))
   (define (get key) (assq-ref props key))
  (if (null? props) #{ #} ;% abort without bracket
     \once \override Arpeggio.stencil   = #(get 'stencil)
     \once \override Arpeggio.X-extent  = #(get 'X-extent)
     \once \override Arpeggio.padding   = #(get 'padding)
     \once \override Arpeggio.direction = #(get 'direction) 
     \once \override Arpeggio.thickness = #(get 'thickness)
     $(make-music 'EventChord 'elements (list (make-music 'ArpeggioEvent)))

thumbBracket = #(define-music-function (spec) (string?)
 (let ((settings thumbBracketSettings)) ;% as Defaults, or user defined
    #{ \thumbBracketEx $spec $settings #}))

thumbBracketDefaults = #(quasiquote( 
  (hdir-init . ,LEFT) ;% usual placement wrt note: on RIGHT or LEFT
  (weight    . 1.5  ) ;% line thickness
  (htip      . 0.8  ) ;% horizontal length of bracket tip
  (vtip      . 0.75 ) ;% usual vertical overlap beyond notehead centre 
  (vtip=     . 0.30 ) ;% alternative vertical overlap 
  (vstem     . 1.25 ) ;% length of an unextended open bracket (excl. tip)
  (vmin      . 0.6  ) ;% minimum length of a closed bracket
  (hvernier  . 0.2  ) ;% horizontal quasi-extra-offset

thumbBracketSettings =  \thumbBracketDefaults
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -thumb bracket

Attachment: thumbBracket_demo.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.24.0"

\include "thumbBracket.ily"
#(define thBr thumbBracket) thbR = \thBr "R" thbL = \thBr "L"

global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 4/4
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
rhhi = { c'''16--[ b''16-- d'''16--  f''16--] }
rhlo = { d''32[ \thBr "L9" f''32 ees''32 d''32 ~ d''16 c''32 b'32] }
lhhi = { g'32[ aes'32 g'32 f'32 g'32 f'32 ees'32 d'32] }
lhlo = { s4 }
\markup "Reger 14"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "rh" { \clef treble \global << \rhhi \\ \rhlo >>}
  \new Staff = "lh" { \clef treble \global << \lhhi \\ \lhlo >>}
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }
global = {
  \key bes \major
  \time 4/4
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
rhhi = { <bes' bes''>4 <c''! a''>16[ <bes' g''>16 c''16 <ees''! g''>16] }
rhlo = { d''8[ ees''!8] \thBr "L" fis'16[ g'16 \thBr "R" a'16 <g' bes'>16] }
lhhi = { d'8[ ees'!8] c'16[ bes16 c'16 bes16] }
lhlo = { bes4 fis16[ g16 a16 bes16] }

\markup "Reger 17"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "rh" { \clef treble \global << \rhhi \\ \rhlo >>}
  \new Staff = "lh" { \clef treble \global << \lhhi \\ \lhlo >>}
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }
global = {
  \key bes \major
  \time 4/4
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
rhhi = { <ees' g' bes' ees''>2-> <c' f' a' c''>-> <f' f''>2.*2/3-> }
rhlo = { s1  <a' c''>8--[ <f' a'>8--] <f' ~ bes'>8--[ <f' c''>8--]  }
lhhi = { c8[ g16 a16] bes16[ g16 c'8]  
         \thBr "R" c'16[ d'16 ees'16 d'16] c'16[ d'16 ees'16 c'16] 
         \thBr "L4*" <a c'>8--[ <f a>8--] <f bes>8--[ c'8--] }
lhlo = { <c, c>4.-- c8-. <f, f>4.-- a,8-. d4-- d8--[ c8--] }

\markup "Reger 60"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "rh" { \clef treble \global << \rhhi \\ \rhlo >>}
  \new Staff = "lh" { \clef bass   \global << \lhhi \\ \lhlo >>}
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }
global = {
  \key aes \major
  \time 9/8
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
rhhi = { ees''4.-> ees''4.-> ~ ees''8[ d''8 ees''8] }
rhlo = { \thBr "L" <aes aes'>8.[ <aes aes'>16 <aes aes'>8] r8 
         \thBr "R*" <ees' g'>8-.[ <ees' g'>8-.] <ees' aes'>4. }
lhhi = { \oneVoice s4. r8 s4 s4. } 
lhlo = { \thBr "R" <c ees ees'>8.[ <c ees ees'>16 <c ees ees'>8] s8 
          <bes, ees des'>8^.[ <beses, ees des'>8^.] <aes, ees c'>4.^> }

\markup "Scriabin IMSLP #02002 II bar48"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "rh" { \clef treble \global << \rhhi \\ \rhlo >>}
  \new Staff = "lh" { \clef bass   \global << \lhhi \\ \lhlo >>}
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }
global = {
  \key fis \major
  \time 12/8
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
rhhi = { eis'2. ~ eis'4. eis'4. }
rhlo = { cis'2. ~ cis'4. cis'4. }
lhhi = { \thBr "r4*=" <eis gis>2. ~ gis4 cis8 gis!4 g8 } 
lhlo = { <cis, cis>2. <gisis,, gisis,>2. }

\markup "Scriabin IMSLP 10999 p5"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "rh" { \clef treble \global << \rhhi \\ \rhlo >>}
  \new Staff = "lh" { \clef bass   \global << \lhhi \\ \lhlo >>}
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }
global = {
  \key bes \major
  \time 9/8
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
rhhi = { \partial 4 <cis' cis''>8[\( <d' d''>8] <ees' ees''>4 
         <e' e''>8 <fis' fis''>4 <g' g''>8 <g' g''>4 <fis' fis''>8\) }
rhlo = { \partial 4 r8 r8 r8 bes'8[ bes'8] r8 e''8[ e''8] 
         <a' ees''>8[ <a' ees''>8 <c'' ees''>8] }
lhhi = { \partial 4 \oneVoice r8 r8 r8 s4 
         \once \override Rest.X-extent = #'(0 . 2.5) 
         r8 s4 s4.}
lhlo = { \partial 4 s4 s8 <cis, cis>8[ 
         \thBr "R" <g bes g'>8] s8 
         \thBr "R1=" <bes e' bes'>8[ <cis, cis>8] % cf u14d0520
         \stemUp <cis, cis>8[<c, c>8 <a, a>] }

\markup "Scriabin IMSLP 08382 p47"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "rh" { \clef treble \global << \rhhi \\ \rhlo >>}
  \new Staff = "lh" { \clef bass   \global << \lhhi \\ \lhlo >>}
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }
global = {
  \key bes \major
  \time 4/4
  \override Staff.TimeSignature.stencil = ##f
arpLengthenTo = #(define-music-function (bound) (integer?)
#{ \once \override Arpeggio.positions = #(lambda (grob)
   (interval-union (cons bound bound) (ly:arpeggio::calc-positions grob)))

%%% saw what looked like tie pushing arpeggio vertically when doubled up alto
rhhiA = {
  \once \override Arpeggio.arpeggio-direction = #down 
  \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #-0.2 
  <\tweak transparent ##t  d' ees'' g'' c'''>1\arpeggio ~ <ees'' g'' c'''>1 }
rhhiB = {
  \once \override Arpeggio.arpeggio-direction = #down 
  \arpLengthenTo #-4
  <ees'' g'' c'''>1\arpeggio  ~ <ees'' g'' c'''>1 }
rhhi = { \rhhiA \rhhiB }
rhlo = \repeat unfold 2 { \thBr "l22]" <f' bes'>1 ~ <f' bes'>1 }
lhhi = \repeat unfold 2 { \oneVoice r1 r1}
lhlo = \repeat unfold 2 { s1 s1 }

\markup "F9sus"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "rh" { \clef treble \global << \rhhi \\ \rhlo >>}
  \new Staff = "lh" { \clef bass   \global << \lhhi \\ \lhlo >>}
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }
global = {
  \key f \major
  \time 3/4
rhhi = { a'2. }
rhlo = { r4 
  \thumbBracketEx "L442" #(acons 'htip 2.5 thumbBracketSettings) 
  <a c'>8[ <bes d'>8] <c' e'>8[ <a c'>8] }
lhhi = { f,2.}
lhlo = { \hideNotes f,16 } % spacing hack

\markup "Possibility"
\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
  \new Staff = "rh" { \clef treble \global << \rhhi \\ \rhlo >>}
  \new Staff = "lh" { \clef bass   \global << \lhhi \\ \lhlo >>}
\layout { indent = 0.0\cm }

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