Le mardi 09 avril 2024 à 23:55 +0200, Maurits Lamers via LilyPond user 
discussion a écrit :
> Hey all,
> I encountered a situation where the PianoPedalBracket setting to-barline 
> doesn't always do what you'd expect. Given the following code, the pedal 
> bracket is not extended to the end of the bar:
> %%%
> \version "2.24.0"
> \score {
>    \new Staff {
>      \clef bass
>      \time 6/8
>      \relative c' {
>        c8 b a g e c |
>        \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
>        \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket.to-barline = ##t
>        \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32\sustainOn b' } |
>        \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32 b'\sustainOff  } |
>        c8 e f g a
>      }
>    }
> }

Correct syntax is

\version "2.24.0"
\score {
   \new Staff {
     \clef bass
     \time 6/8
     \relative c' {
       c8 b a g e c |
       \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'mixed
       \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket.to-barline = ##t
       \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32\sustainOn b' } |
       \repeat tremolo 12 { b,32 b' } |
       c8\sustainOff e f g a

The \sustainOff command is placed on the note where you *release*
the pedal. And because LilyPond uses post-fix syntax, it comes just
*after* that note.


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