Am Sa., 13. Apr. 2024 um 20:59 Uhr schrieb Pierre-Luc Gauthier
> Hello there,
> Quite an easy one I'm sure but I tried many combinations to no avail.
> I have this symbol that I wish to evaluate later. I thought that was
> what ly:make-music was for.
> \version "2.25.15"
> #(define anAList ((aVariable . aSymbol)))
> aSymbol = {cis'}
> {
>   #(cdr (assoc 'aVariable anAList))
> }
> How can I make this symbol into music without defining it before the alist ?
> Thanks for any pointers :-)
> --
> Pierre-Luc Gauthier

Quick'n dirty:

#(define (anAList) `((aVariable . ,aSymbol)))

aSymbol = { cis'4 }

  $(assoc-get 'aVariable (anAList))


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