Hi all,

It is difficult to put into words how happy I am using Lilypond. I had to use 
Sibelius for a project last year, and it was pure torture. As the old saying 
[almost] goes: “They’ll have to pry Lilypond out of my cold, dead hands!”

Exhibit A: I’m in data-entry mode (i.e., not concerned about visuals/tweaking 
*at all*), and the screenshot attached is what the top half of the page of my 
octavo score looks like at this moment. Incredible! There are zero [!!] manual 
tweaks on that page — what you see is what comes out “automagically”, based 
solely on Lilypond’s amazing layout engine and my stylesheets.

So obviously what follows is a “first world problem” of the highest order…

If you look at the first measure of the third system, you can see that the note 
spacing is distorted by various things (lyrics, accidentals, etc.). But clearly 
there’s more than enough horizontal room to make those eighth notes absolutely 
even — in fact, that kind of thing is what the majority of my post-data-entry 
tweak time is dedicated to. [Again: When I used Finale <shudder>, it took hours 
or even days to get from “the data is all in” to looking like this already 
looks… so I’m not complaining!]

I would love to be able to say “Dear Specialized Scheme Engraver: Please take 
measure 7, even out the note-spacing, and make the ‘obvious’ necessary 
adjustments so that everything looks amazing.”

How difficult would such a function/engraver be to design?


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