I am typesetting a piece and the stem in the first e quarter note disappears when I add \slurUp upper notes. Is this a bug? Thank you. Rafael.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% with the slur down , see attachment. \version "2.24.2" \new PianoStaff << \new Staff << \time 4/4 \key a \major %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%voice one \new Voice \voiceOne \relative c' { e4-1\mf ( a8.-3 b16 gis4) r8 \slurUp a-3 \break }%end voice one %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%voice two \new Voice \voiceTwo \relative c' { \stemDown e2 e }%end voice two >>%end treble staff >>%end piano staff %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% adding \slurUp the stem in the e initial quarter note disappears. see attachment stem gone. \version "2.24.2" \new PianoStaff << \new Staff << \time 4/4 \key a \major %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%voice one \new Voice \voiceOne \relative c' { \slurUp e4-1\mf ( a8.-3 b16 gis4) r8 \slurUp a-3 \break }%end voice one %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%voice two \new Voice \voiceTwo \relative c' { \stemDown e2 e }%end voice two >>%end treble staff >>%end piano staff