On Tue 21 May 2024 at 11:43:10 (+1000), Laurie Savage wrote:
> On Tue, 21 May 2024 at 10:35, Paul Scott wrote:
> > Segno repeat structure is like a black box to me.  I have been
> > relatively successful with help and trial and error.
> >
> > I would really appreciate some help with this that I need soon:
> >
> >  From NR 2.25.16 1.4.1, Segno repeat structure/alla coda, how do I add a
> > repeat with alternative so the coda jump is just before the alternative?
> >
> > Here is the manually written MWE:
> >
> > \version "2.25.16"
> >
> > \fixed c' {
> >    c1 \segnoMark \default
> >    \repeat volta 2 { d \codaMark \default }
> >    \alternative{ e f }
> >    e_"D.C. al Coda" \bar "||"
> >    <>^"Coda" e
> >    \bar "|."
> > }
> >
> I have struggled with this one in the past and gave up in the end. There
> are some tweaks I found on the archived threads but I found it easier to
> enter the segnoMark and codaMark manually. Ditto for the"D.S. al Coda"
> (which is what I think you mean in your example. I often edit big band and
> small combo charts so any simple solution would be wonderful.

Sometimes the easiest way of using these repeat constructions is to
copy and paste an example from Notation Reference ยง1.4 into your
.ly file, and then insert your music in place of the example's.

If you have a repeat structure nested in another, you can cut and
paste a second example at the appropriate point, and then replace
the music (or placeholder text) in the example with your music again.

However, the example given above doesn't have nested repeats, but
overlapping ones. LP has a mechanism for distinguishing which repeat
an \alternative belongs to if two repeats are nested (it chooses
the innermost). But there's no LP mechanism AFAIK that can unpick
two overlapping repeat structures, so a manual solution is required,
as given.


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