Dear Silvain,
thank You, this worked perfectly for me!
Providing you have juste one space as in the example,
in the part \mark \markup {
you can do a search and replace


with nothing

(I tested it in Geany on Ubuntu)

dot means one character
[^{]* means a non-empty sequence of characters without any { character
\ needs escaping
Your could add \s at the end to remove empty spaces or lines

Le 25.05.24 à 18:15, Stefan Thomas a écrit :

Dear community,
I would like to remove automatically all the "\mark \markup { \box { LETTER
} }" in the below quoted text. Can I do this with regex? Does someone know

\version "2.22.2"

violine =  {
    \clef "treble" | % 1
    R1*8 | % 9
    \mark \markup { \box { A   } } R1*8 -\markup{ \tiny {Lija+Tambor} }
    \mark \markup { \box { B   } }
    \mark \markup { \box { C   } }
    r4 <f'' b''>2. \fermata :32

Silvain Dupertuis
Route de Lausanne 335
1293 Bellevue (Switzerland)
tél. +41-(0)22-774.20.67
portable +41-(0)79-604.87.52
web: <>

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