Dear list,

In the following example, I am wondering how I can find the measurements of the dimensions, specifically the width, of a markup object. This is so I can automatically indent the first line by the length of the instrumentName.


% --------------------
\version "2.25.7"

pref = \markup { piece title here }

% How can I determine this from the width of \pref
pref_width = #(ly:inch 1)

extra_pad = #(ly:cm 0.5)

\score {
  \new Staff \with {instrumentName = \pref } {c'1 \break c'1 }

\layout {
  #(define indent (+ pref_width extra_pad))
% --------------------

William Rehwinkel (any pronouns)
Juilliard School '26 - Oberlin Conservatory '24 -
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