I'm very grateful to you. No offense taken. I'll try to send you the code next time to sort out the problem. Thank you again!!!

Юрий Виноградов

21:11, 10 июня 2024 г., Aaron Hill <lilyp...@hillvisions.com>:

On 2024-06-10 10:27 am, Виноградов Юрий wrote:

 I understand that you can make the same settings for lyricmode. But I
 ask you to show me some example. Since I am not very good at lilypond
 myself. I really need to be able to make the first syllable of a word,
 the beginning of a sentence of a song or a romance or a psalm in red
 or any other color for my next sets of notes. It is very much
 requested that you teach me how to do this. As the specificity of my
 set will often meet with such phenomenon as, "red first letter of a
 syllable". Please!

That's a fairly big ask to the members on the mailing list.
Technically, you have been shown all the basic techniques of \markup
commands to be able to do this. To make a reference to school, we are
not going to do your homework. Now, if you have a specific question
along with code you have written as reference, we are more than willing
to try to answer it. But an open-ended request for "teach me to how to
do this long list of things" is probably not going to see much response.

I do not want to leave you with nothing, lest I come across as being
judgmental. Take a look at this bit of Lilypond:

   \version "2.25.13"

   \paper { indent = 0 tagline = #f }

   rubricRed = #(x11-color 'firebrick)

   %% Manual method in markup.
   \markup {
     \concat {
       { \with-color \rubricRed Sanc }
       { tus }

   \relative { \key f \major bes'2 c4( a) | bes1 \fine }
   \addlyrics {
     %% Manual method in markup within lyricsmode.
     \markup \with-color \rubricRed Glo -- ri -- a.

   %% Automated methods (ADVANCED).
   redden = #(define-scheme-function
     (red-text normal-text) (markup? markup?)
       #{ \markup \concat {
             { \with-color \rubricRed #red-text }
             { #normal-text } } #})

   %% Testing with automation.
   \markup {
     \redden Sanc tus

   \relative { \key f \major bes'2 c4( a) | bes1 \fine }
   \addlyrics {
     %% Testing with automation.
     \redden Glo "" -- ri -- a.

-- Aaron Hill

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