I have this snippet:

\version "2.24.3"
\layout {
    \context { \Voice
    \consists Horizontal_bracket_engraver

\relative c'' {
    a8 a b\startGroup b\stopGroup << {c4 d} \\ {a2} >>

I’d like for the bracket to extend to the end of the bar. Of course the “simple 
solution” a8 a b\startGroup b << {c4 d\stopGroup} \\ {a2} >> or in the other 
voice compiles but throws a warning and fails to produce the correct output 
because the start and stop are scoped differently. I include the beams on the 
first 2 beats because the project I’m working on requires that beam remain 
intact and have correct stem direction. If at all possible, keeping the first 
half of the bar in the single outer voice would be fantastic. Is there a way 
around the voice problem or a way to tweak the length of the spanner beyond the 
specified endpoint?



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