Thanks Valentin

When I use your example, it does only display one stave and a percussion one too - but all the notes have been compressed onto one line

But I ran with your suggestion and have now crafted what I wanted !!

I'm not proficient enough to be able to write short snippets (I'm unsure what is relevant and what not) - but I have a cut down version of my .ly file below

I'm pretty sure mydrums is poorly defined :-)


#(define mydrums   '(
                (hiagogo        default   #f           1)
                (loagogo        default   #f           -1) ) )

\score {
        \new DrumStaff \with {
                        \override StaffSymbol.line-count = #2
                        instrumentName = "Agogo "
                        drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums)
        } {
                \time 4/4
        \addlyrics \words

        \layout {   }
        \midi { \tempo 4 = 180 }

On 7/1/24 17:04, Valentin Petzel wrote:
\new DrumStaff \agogo
\addlyrics \words

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