This is a follow-up from a question I asked a few weeks back.

I have a song with an intro, several stanzas, and a refrain. Each stanza starts on the last beat of the measure.See the attached MWE.

Is there a neat way of avoiding having a repeat bar in the middle of a measure while preserving the stanza numbers is their properĀ  places?

\version "2.24.3"

intro = \relative c' {  g' f e d c b a  g }
melody = \relative c' {
          \repeat volta 3 { a b c d e f g a }
verseA = \lyricmode {   \set stanza = "1. "
                        This is verse one }
verseB = \lyricmode {   \set stanza = "2. "
                        This is verse two }
verseC = \lyricmode {   \set stanza = "3. "
                        This is verse three }
chorusWords = \lyricmode {  \set stanza = "Refrain. "
                            This is the chorus }

\score {
  \new Staff {
  \partial 4
    \addlyrics {
      \repeat volta 3 {
          \new Lyrics = mainlyrics  \verseA  
          \new Lyrics \verseB
          \new Lyrics \verseC
       \context Lyrics = mainlyrics \chorusWords
  \layout { }

Attachment: MWE.pdf
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