This is what i came up with

\version "2.24.4"

\relative c'' {

 \tweak extra-offset #'(0 . -2)
    \fontsize #4 \compound-meter #'(6 8)

It's hacky but it works.

On Sun, Aug 4, 2024 at 1:43 AM Vlado Ilić <> wrote:

> Thanks,
> While it does show what i want, problem is that next measures (g4 in this
> example) also takes 6/8 time. Example
> \version "2.24.4"
> music = \fixed c' {
>   f1
>   \repeat segno 2 {
>     g1
>     \alternative {
>       \volta 1 { \repeat unfold 4 { a2 }
>       \break
>       \key f \major
>       \time 6/8
>       \repeat unfold 9 { a4 }
>       \break
>       }
>       \volta 2 \volta #'() {
>   \section
>   \sectionLabel Coda
>       }
>     }
>   }
>   \key c \major
>   \time 6/8
>   \repeat unfold 9 {a4}
>   \fine
> }
> \score { \music }
> In this example, from bar 7 there's a jump to segno in bar 2, bar 7 is in
> f major and 6/8 time but a bar 2 is in c major and 4/4 so i want to mark
> that at the end of bar 7 (key and time is shown on end of bar from coda but
> i need key and time from bar 2), also from bar 2 there is a jump to coda on
> bar 8 and because the coda is in 6/8 i want to mark that on end of bar 2,
> if i add the solution:
> \version "2.24.4"
> music = \fixed c' {
>   f1
>   \repeat segno 2 {
>     g1
>     \once \override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders =
> ##((left-edge
>     staff-ellipsis
>     cue-end-clef
>     ambitus
>     breathing-sign
>     signum-repetitionis
>     clef
>     cue-clef
>     key-cancellation
>     key-signature
>     time-signature
>     staff-bar
>     custos)
>   (left-edge
>     staff-ellipsis
>     cue-end-clef
>     ambitus
>     breathing-sign
>     signum-repetitionis
>     clef
>     cue-clef
>     key-cancellation
>     key-signature
>     time-signature
>     staff-bar
>     custos)
>   (left-edge
>     staff-ellipsis
>     ambitus
>     breathing-sign
>     signum-repetitionis
>     clef
>     key-cancellation
>     key-signature
>     time-signature
>     staff-bar
>     cue-clef
>     custos))
>   \once \override Staff.Parentheses.font-size = 4
>   \parenthesize \time 6/8
>     \alternative {
>       \volta 1 { \repeat unfold 4 { a2 }
>       \break
>       \key f \major
>       \time 6/8
>       \repeat unfold 9 { a4 }
>       \break
>       }
>       \volta 2 \volta #'() {
>   \section
>   \sectionLabel Coda
>       }
>     }
>   }
>   \key c \major
>   \time 6/8
>   \repeat unfold 9 {a4}
>   \fine
> }
> \score { \music }
> it breaks the measures 3 and 4, so i need to mark time signature just as
> symbol, not as real time for next measures.
> On Sat, Aug 3, 2024 at 8:08 PM Xavier Scheuer <> wrote:
>> On Sat, 3 Aug 2024 at 17:17, Vlado Ilić <> wrote:
>> >
>> > So i need something like in the first picture, on coda i have different
>> time signature than the one before the jump so i need to mark time change
>> just before the jump. Also related, in the second image i need to mark time
>> and key change before jumping from D.S. to the beginning of the piece. How
>> can i achieve that? Thanks
>> Hello,
>> For 1, use \once \override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders.
>> \relative c'' {
>>   \partial 8 e16 f
>>   \once \override Score.BreakAlignment.break-align-orders =
>> ##((left-edge
>>     staff-ellipsis
>>     cue-end-clef
>>     ambitus
>>     breathing-sign
>>     signum-repetitionis
>>     clef
>>     cue-clef
>>     key-cancellation
>>     key-signature
>>     time-signature
>>     staff-bar
>>     custos)
>>   (left-edge
>>     staff-ellipsis
>>     cue-end-clef
>>     ambitus
>>     breathing-sign
>>     signum-repetitionis
>>     clef
>>     cue-clef
>>     key-cancellation
>>     key-signature
>>     time-signature
>>     staff-bar
>>     custos)
>>   (left-edge
>>     staff-ellipsis
>>     ambitus
>>     breathing-sign
>>     signum-repetitionis
>>     clef
>>     key-cancellation
>>     key-signature
>>     time-signature
>>     staff-bar
>>     cue-clef
>>     custos))
>>   \once \override Staff.Parentheses.font-size = 4
>>   \parenthesize \time 6/8
>>   g4
>> }
>> Kind regards,
>> Xavier

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