Hi Everyone,

Thanks to everyon for this mailing list, I've been reading for a while
and it's lovely to have a place to see things I haven't found!

I'm currently having some issues with Duration lines, and I thought
I'd share an example of the weird behaviour I'm confused with. I found
two parts of a piece I wrote of a tiei to a note with a duration
line. All examples work as expected without being tied to.  If anyone
can let me know why this happens I'd be interested. I think now I've
done this I can work around it, but it's a bit annoying.

        Matthew Burns
\score {
  \new Staff {
    % No gap, durline afterwords. No durline is produced
    c'1~ c'\- c'\- |
    R1 \break
    % No gap, no durline afterwards. Durline continues through to next note.
    c'1~ c'\- c' c' |
    R1 \break |
    % Rest afterwards. Durline continues through rest to 2nd rest
    c'1~ c'2\- r4 r4 |
    R1 \break |
    % Rest Afterwards. Durline  continues through rest to end of tied note
    c'1~ c'2.\- r4 c'1~ c' |
    R1 \break |
    % Rest Afterwards. I thnik Durline continues to the start of 2nd Durline?
    c'~ c'2.\- r4 c'1\-
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists Duration_line_engraver

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