On Saturday 09 July 2005 21.48, Sebastiano Vigna wrote:
> I don't want to seem iterative, but my source for K460
> (http://vigna.dsi.unimi.it/music/K460.ly) does not compile still with
> 2.6.0. Problems start with the appoggiatura at measure 28.
> I would like just to know if the answer is "won't fix", as I will try to
> fiddle with the source to see whether I can work around it. If anybody
> can suggest a workaround, I'd be immensely grateful.

I just realised - you can write your own repeat unfold! I'm no Scheme expert, 
but I managed to write this quick hack:

unfold = #(def-music-function (parser location number music) (number? 
 (letrec ((ccp (lambda (n)
         (if (= 0 n) '() (cons music (ccp (- n 1)))))
  (make-music 'SequentialMusic
   'elements (ccp number)

{ \unfold #7 {\grace b8 c4 d e f }  }

It's not exactly the same as \repeat unfold, and it might not be enough for 
you (it doesn't work well together with \relative).


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