Hi there!

Since a week I'm playing around with LilyPond and I like it a lot so far. But there are some features that I miss i.e. that I can't figure how to achieve.

I'd like to let my chord names look like I'm used to from German Scouts songbooks, i.e.

- only major chords are uppercase, everything else is lowercase (no 'm' modifier for minor)

- bass string as uppercase index (small subscript) letter (in TeX: G_ {H} would be g major with B as bass string)

- print e:3+ like (TeX) E^{3+} and not E^{#3} (the latter would mean F - is it a bug or a feature?)

- single bass tones as small uppercase letters with a bare or an x over or below them

- optional chords in brackets (should be played in the MIDI)

- I don't care if pitched(?) chords are printed as e.g. Fis or F#

Is this possible? Did I only miss it in the docs?

Best regards from Lake Constance!
Henning Hraban Ramm
CH-8275 Tägerwilen

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