I have been using Jedit with Lilypond 2.4.5. Jedit uses a .dvi file for point-and-click. Lilypond 2.6.0 no longer produces a .dvi file.
My first question: Can Jedit use point-and-click with Lilypond 2.6.0?

My second question: How does point-and click work with Lilypond 2.6.0??
I am running SUSE 9.3 and I have installed Lilypond 2.6.0, Firefox, Acrobat Reader and Gvim.
I have put a line:
export EDITOR=vim
in ~/.profile and done as written in Appendix D Point and click in the Lilypond Manual.
What happens is:
Lilypond makes a .ps, .pdf and .midi file.
I open the .pdf in Acrobat Reader and all the noteheads are links. When I click a notehead I get an empty Firefox window. I thought that I would get the .ly file opened in a Gvim window with the cursor on the right place!!


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