Sounds like what is wanted is a sort of a "snap-to-grid" feature, where the grid is a one-dimension, uniform time (metronome time) sequence. "Snap-to-grid" is a pretty common feature in graphic design systems, so there ought to be some pretty good approaches to the problem in the literature.

Trevor Baca wrote:

Hello Lily users,

Is it possible to ensure all measures exactly the same width
throughout a piece, *without the hidden voice workaround*?

What I'm finding is that the hidden voice workaround doesn't *exactly*
get it, especially at small staff sizes, with a large number of
measures per page, with many tuplets; with the hidden voice, the first
measure on the line, for example, tends to assume more space than the
following measures on the line.

And, yes, of course classical engraving standards abhor this type of
"graph-paper" spacing (see list thread between Michael Lakes and Mats
Bengstsson for a good discussion), but please trust me that the
musical context here is quite different: when you get past a certain
number of differently rational rhythms (tuplets) across many, many
instruments what you want is *exactly* this type of regularity in the
horizontal axis.

So, is there a direct way to ensure exactly even measure length, on a
system-wide or score-wide basis?


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