Try opening it in wordpad once, then save it without making any changes, close the files and open it in notepad.

Even though Wordpad is a Word Processor and not a Text Editor, when you open a text file in it, it opens it in text mode, it won't add any unwanted formating to the file. Still I use Notepad or Lite Edit or jedit. Lite Edit gives the line numbers which is useful when responding to the error messages from Lilypond, jedit is a Programmers Text Editor that will let you know if you misspelled a key word and you can run Lilypond from it, all of which is only useful only after you figure out how to set it up.

Meanwhile, I like NotePad. It is simple and straight forward, opens amazingly fast and as long as I indent properly, I never need any more visual formatting (not the kind from a Word Processor) to make my files clear.

Additionally, I do use jedit to save my lilypond file to UTF-8 text format if I am using any umlauts in my titles. jedit really is the best solution once you figure out how to tap into its power, but I keep going back the NotePad just because it opens the file faster.

Actually, I'd like to find a utility that changes my windows endings back to unix style line endings for when I make a patch on the sources.


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