On Monday 18 July 2005 19.12, Laura Conrad wrote:
> >>>>> "ES" == Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     ES> I don't see why any non-guru would want to set whichBar
>     ES> explicitly, so perhaps that documentation should be moved to
>     ES> internals.
> The reason I use it from time to time (maybe I'm a guru, but the
> problem is definitely not a guru problem) is that if you move the
> barline engraver from the score context to the staff context, you need
> it to get any bars at all.
> The reason to move the barline engraver is that I sometimes find it
> easier to find errors in note entry if the erroneous barlines aren't
> duplicated in all staves of a score.

OK, then perhaps it shouldn't be removed from the manual. However, the 
property is still a bit too odd to be mentioned in the "Basic Notation" 
chapter IMHO, perhaps it's better to move it to somewhere in the internals 
docu, or to an example in tips&tricks.

> So I would say that a non-guru might well need to use whichBar rather
> than bar.  If \bar would work for the barline engraver in any context,
> then maybe what you say would be true.

You could write such a bar command in Scheme, but that's even more guru:ish.

Bar = #(def-music-function (parser loc str) (string?)
  (context-spec-music (make-property-set 'whichBar str) 'Timing) )

\new Staff { c \Bar #"|." c }


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