On 25-Jul-05, at 2:10 PM, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Robert Memering wrote:
Am Freitag, 22. Juli 2005 15:57 schrieb Kieren Richard MacMillan:
I need straight PS output (to manipulate in Illustrator), not PDF.
However, I can't determine where to put the --ps flag, and when I try
to run from the command line, I get errors (can't find
/users/hanwen/...lib, etc.).
As a workaround, you could just print your PDFs into PS-files
from acroread. If doing this by hand for every file is too cumbersome,

These workarounds are neat, but the real issue is this:

How do you adds flags to lilypond when it's being run from the
binary installer?  If you run it from the command line, then shouldn't
we fix this "/users/hanwen/..lib" problem?  If you can add them
in the GUI (and IMO this should be possible), then is it easy to locate
these settings?

- Graham

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