Dear Rob,

On Mon, Jul 25, 2005 at 10:05:43AM -0500, Rob Vlasaty wrote:
> Nick,
> I had some time today, so I took a look at your file.  I used the
> example in the documents and pasted your notes onto there.

Thank you!

> When aligning lyrics, using the new Lyricsto, you need a note in a
> voice for each syllable.  The purpose of Lyricsto is to specify
> which voice you want to line up with, rather than the old addlyrics
> way of specifying the count of each syllable.  That's why I put your
> two parts together into the upper voice, then hid some of the notes.
> You don't need the 4 anymore after Hal, and the hyphenation is
> centered with double -- .
> See if this is more of what you wanted.

Oh thank you Rob, that's just perfect! And it works with lilypond
2.4.6 as well, which is good, otherwise for 2.6.x I will need to
install new ghostscript packages, which I am afraid might break my

Thank you very much for your valuable time; I really appreciate it,
and will study this properly so that I understand how every part of it

> \version "2.6.0"
> \header {
>   title = "Happy Halloween"
> }
> upper = \relative c {
> \clef treble
> \key c \major
> \time 4/4
>       \hideNotes d4  e f d e f e2  \unHideNotes
>       e'4 ( f g2 f4 e d2 )
>       \hideNotes d,4  e f d e f e2  \unHideNotes
>       e'4 ( f g f e c d2 )
> }
> lower = \relative c {
> \clef bass
> \key c \major
> \time 4/4
>         d4 ( e f d e f e2 )
>         \skip 1 * 2
>         d4 ( e f d e f e2 )
>         \skip 1 * 2
> }
> firstVerse = \lyricmode {
>   \set stanza = "1. "
>   Hal -- low -- een will soon be here,
>   From the trees, ghosts will peer!
>   Pump -- kins smile a -- long the way,
>   It's a ver -- y spec -- ial day!
> }
> secondVerse = \lyricmode {
>   \set stanza = "2. "
>   Trick or treat -- ing we will go,
>   Knock on doors, say hel -- lo!
>   Find a cos -- tume that's just right.
>   We'll have fun this spook -- y night!
> }
> \score {
> \context GrandStaff <<
> \context Staff = upper {
> \context Voice = singer \upper }
> \lyricsto "singer" \new Lyrics \firstVerse
> \lyricsto "singer" \new Lyrics \secondVerse
> \context Staff = lower <<
> \clef bass
> \lower
> >>
> >>
> \layout {
> \context { \GrandStaff \accepts "Lyrics" }
> \context { \Lyrics \consists "Bar_engraver"
>               ignoreMelismata = ##t}
> }
> \midi { \tempo 4=60 }
> }
Nick Urbanik   RHCE          nicku(at)
Proud ex-member of Dept. of Information & Communications Technology in
Hong Kong IVE (Tsing Yi), Home of Visual Paradigm: Jolt Productivity
Award winner, programmed by ICT's own graduates!
GPG: 7FFA CDC7 5A77 0558 DC7A 790A 16DF EC5B BB9D 2C24    ID: BB9D2C24

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