It's to bad, but does not seem to be the solution. :-(, But thank you
for the fast answer!


Am Samstag, den 06.08.2005, 17:05 +0200 schrieb Mats Bengtsson:
> It seems to be some problems with the translations to local languages
> in lilypond-book. The bug has already been reported to the lilypond-bug
> mailing list and waiting for that, you can get rid of the problem by
> doing
> unset LANG
> or
> export LANG=en_US
> which gives the default English warning and error messages but should
> solve your problem.
>     /Mats
> Wolfgang Mechsner wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > after upgrading to 2.6.3. (2.6.0 worked fine) I have a problem with
> > lilypond-book.
> > 
> > After
> > 
> > lilypond-book -o out test.lytex
> > 
> > I get this:
> > ###################
> > ..........
> > Layout nach »lily-244139305-1.eps« ausgeben...
> > Layout nach »lily-244139305.eps« ausgeben...
> > 
> > 
> > test.tex kompilieren...
> > Schreibe `test.tex'...
> > lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: option --psfonts not used
> > lilypond-book-bin-2.6.3: Warnung: Verarbeitung mit dvips wird keine
> > Schriftarten haben
> > 
> > DVIPS-Aufruf:
> >     dvips -h out/test.psfonts out/test.dvi
> > #####################
> > 
> > If I write
> > 
> > lilypond-book --psfonts test.lytex
> > 
> > I get a long report, what options are possible. 
> > 
> > Please help!
> > 
> > Wolfgang
> > 
Wolfgang Mechsner
Goebenstr. 3
49076 Osnabrück
Tel. 0541-2052090
Mobil 0179-9096684

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