Hi there!

First of all: I love LilyPond! It's great. Keep up the good work!

Now let's talk business: I noticed a little bug, if I may name it this way. If you got two voices in one staff and the upper has a dotted note between two lines, while the lower is one tone under the first, then this note interferes with the dot. Kinda unclear? I attached a little example to show what I mean. Just compile and look at bar 12.
So in this case the lower note should be put a bit more away.

And I have an other idea. I am mainly interested in choral music. If one enters every voice for itself and puts it together in a score block (like I did in the example), LiliPond typesets the rests for each voice. So it would be nice to have an option like "\shareRests" or something, that equal rests will be combined automatically and you don't have to mess around with \oneVoice, \voiceOne and \voiceTwo in the separated voices.

So long and thanks for all!

Attachment: Example.ly
Description: Binary data

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