Do you mean that such code review is somewhere in the to-do list? That would be pretty good news then.

I posted about that subject two months ago and got no reply. That's why I thought this was an issue with very little priority in the lilypond development, and suggested to sponsor it as a way to make it happen.

If there already are plans to somehow improve the tie handling, then I guess we can wait to see what comes out and to leave any further discussion (if neccesary) to when it comes out, as you say.



On Tue, 09 Aug 2005 23:58:54 +0200, Werner LEMBERG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My suggestion would be to extend the TieColumn object to have a
"direction" property for each tie, e.g. in a list.  [...]

Note that the whole code for handling ties must be rewritten.  Adding
features as you suggest is something which comes afterwards.


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