thanks to Graham for his almost instantaneous help.
On Sunday 14 August 2005 03:08, Graham Percival wrote:
> s1 means "a whole-note invisible rest" -- in other words, sixteen 16th
> notes.  You probably want to use s2 here.
Indeed, I should do better in basic math...
> The duration is specified outside the chord; ie
> <bes, f>16
Ah, perfect, now it works fine.
> Finally, after finally compiling 2.4, you may want to try 2.6 (or
> perhaps the pre-compiled binaries) -- 2.6 is easier to use
I had originally tried to install 2.6, but my system is not the absolutely 
last-cry Linux, and after having reached a point where library version 
requirements would have forced me to upgrade my XFree (!), I decided to 
content myself with 2.4 - I can't afford to mess around too much with my 
box at the moment.
The developers will have good reasons for requiring brand-new versions of 
several auxiliary libraries and tools, but the downside might be that 
some people have to stay behind a bit and that it can be difficult to get 
the latest-and-greatest version of Lilypond running. However, I guess for 
an absolute newbie like me, 2.4 will be just as good - and then, Lilypond 
comes with an upgrade tool, as it seems.

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