On 16-Aug-05, at 10:17 PM, Will Oram wrote:

...but got nothing in the output. It looks more or less like the snippet, says I.

Note the \layout.  And please don't post incomplete snippets -- I had to
change your \relative dflat'' and \mlViolinOne/Two, since they weren't
defined.  Here's an ugly version of your file, but it works.  The key
is in the \layout.

\score {
\new GrandStaff <<
                                \new Staff <<
  \set GrandStaff.instrument = "Violons"
  \set GrandStaff.instr = "Vln."
                                        \new Voice \relative c'' { c2 }

                                \new Staff <<
                                        \new Voice \relative c'' { c2 }
\layout {
raggedright = ##t
\context { \GrandStaff \consists "Instrument_name_engraver" }

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