Just add the engraver handling the rehearsal marks to the Staff contexts
where you want the marks (by default, the engraver is only included
in the Score context):

music = \relative c'{
  c d e f \mark \default |
  g f e d \mark \default |
  c1 |

    \new StaffGroup<<
      \new Staff \music
      \new Staff \music
      \new Staff \music
    \new StaffGroup<<
      \new Staff \with{\consists "Mark_engraver"} \music
      \new Staff \music
      \new Staff \music


Will Oram wrote:
Many orchestral scores have tempo changes and rehearsal marks appear twice: once at the top (above the wind section) and once above the string section. It's easy to get lilypond to print \mark once at the top; can it be told to print it multiple times as described above?

Will Oram // Genius @ Large // AIM spamguy21
spamguy (at) foxchange (dot) com // wro1 (at) cwru (dot) edu

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