Really? I find it to be one of my more nagging problems, actually -- in past works I've had to replace \mark with \markup in order to circumvent this weirdness.

This is a picture of the phenomenon: . Since I've never used fatText, this wouldn't be the culprit unless lily were using it without my knowledge.


On Aug 17, 2005, at 11:24 PM, Graham Percival wrote:

On 17-Aug-05, at 8:39 PM, Will Oram wrote:

Under most circumstances \mark can lengthen the measure on which it occurs to incredible lengths. However long the \mark \markup string is, that much empty staff space sits underneath it down the system. Once \mark ends, *then* the content of the measure is printed.

How to tweak it so \mark \markup and the music underneath get along?

Uhh... don't use the \fatText command?  I've never seen the behavior
you describe by default; it only happens if you use \fatText.  See
8.1.1 Text scripts.

- Graham

Will Oram // Genius @ Large // AIM spamguy21
spamguy (at) foxchange (dot) com // wro1 (at) cwru (dot) edu

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