Do you want the percent signs already from the firs measure of the
piece? Otherwise, just do
\repeat percent 5 { previous measure }
Isn't this what you actually want to describe anyway? I don't understand
what you intend to use it for otherwise.
Example, a C major scaled followed by 4 bars of repeat signs can be
obtained by
c d e f \repeat percent 5 {g a b c}


Claus Wilke wrote:

is it possible to directly engrave percent repeat signs? As far as I understand, the percent repeat mechanism always first engraves something (notes, rests, etc.), and then engraves bars with repeat signs. I.e., if I do
\repeat "percent" 4 { r1 }
I get one bar with a rest, and then three bars with the percent sign. However, I would like to have four bars with the percent sign, and no bar with the rest. Is there any way to do it?

FYI, I am still on lilipond 2.2, so any answer that works with this version would be appreciated.

Thanks a lot for an otherwise great program!


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
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