Christ van Willegen wrote:

I've been searching the docs, but can't figure out why this won't work...

Here's a faily minimal sample of what I'm trying to do.

I would actually recommend you to explicitly write out the \score{...}.
Also, you are exploiting some more features of LilyPond that you
probably don't realize yourself, namely that contexts are created

For example, as soon as you include a command like \key in

        \key bes \major
> ...
LilyPond will create a Staff context (corresponding to a printed stave)
to be able to handle the command. So your score block
is actually equivalent to

    \new Staff {
      \key bes \major
        \chordsOne \\
        \addlyrics \stanzaOne

In other words, you try to include both the chords and the lyrics
within the stave, which is impossible since a Staff in LilyPond
terminology only can contain notes (I realize some people would
find it more intuitive to use "stave" for the combination of
music and lyrics).

What you probably want is (haven't tested with your code, though)

  \transpose c bes <<
    \new ChordNames {\chordsOne }
    \new Staff {\key ... \notesOne}
    \addlyrics \stanzaOne

I also recommend you to learn to use \lyricsto instead of \addlyrics as
soon as possible, since \addlyrics is limited to scores with a single


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