Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How about redefining the function that prints the page footer
> and include something like \fromproperty #'header:footnotes.
> Then you could do
> \score{
>    some music
>    \header{
>      ...
>      footnotes = ...
>    }
> }
> The default definition can be found in the function
> oddFooterMarkup in the file .../ly/
>     /Mats

I'm not sure that would work (now). Here is a failed attempt:

\version "2.7.6"
\paper {
  noteFooterMarkup = \markup \fill-line {
    \fromproperty #'header:footnotes
    \hspace #1
  #(define make-footer (marked-up-headfoot 'noteFooterMarkup 'noteFooterMarkup))

\header {
%  printallheaders = ##t
  footnotes = "book footnotes"

\score {
  { c' }
  \header {
    breakbefore = ##t
    footnotes = "1st score footnotes"
    piece = "1st score"

\score {
  { d' }
  \header {
    breakbefore = ##t
    footnotes = "2nd score footnotes"
    piece = "2nd score"

What is printed on both pages is "book footnotes".


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