Thanks for helping me find the init files. Filename searches in Mac OS X Panther do not search the contents of *.app packages, which is why my searching came up empty. But lilypond --verbose told me where to look.

So now I know why no-spacing-rods does not work, and thus why fatText does not work, however I still don't know how to get a multirest bar to accomodate the width of markup text. I have gotten close with

<< { R1*4 } \\ { \fatText s1*4^\markup { \override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5) \column { \line { etwas ruhiger } werdend } } \emptyText } >>

The width of the bar expands to contain the text, but the multirest is too high by two staff lines. And according to the manual, you cannot adjust the "pitch" of a multirest to move it up and down. If there is another way to move the multirest up and down (and keep it centered), then this hack will work. Is that possible? Or is there another solution to this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.


On Tue, 23 Aug 2005 09:42:49 -0400, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's one of the initialization files that LilyPond reads when started.
Call LilyPond with the extra flag
lilypond --verbose
to get a listing of all initialization files that are read, with the
full path.

The reason that no-spacing-rods doesn't work for MultiMeasureRestText
is that this object is a spanner, whereas TextScripts, for example are
Items. You can get some information on these issues if you look at
the program reference for spanner-interface and item-interface,
respectively (Program Reference -> Backend -> Graphical Object
Interfaces). If you want more details, I'm afraid one of the main
hackers have to explain.


Kris Shaffer wrote:
Is ly/ online somewhere? I can't find a lilypond-doc package for Mac OS X, and I don't have any lilypond stuff in /usr/share/. In the meantime, I tried \override MultiMeasureRestText #'no-spacing-rods = ##f in place of \fatText, but it did not work. I also found in the program reference online that, though TextScript takes #'no-spacing-rods, MultiMeasureRestText does not. Did I miss anything, or would this feature need to be added?
On Mon, 22 Aug 2005 23:25:17 -0400, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 22-Aug-05, at 6:15 PM, Kris Shaffer wrote:

One more question on this issue:
The commands \fatText and \emptyText have no effect on either

    s1*0^\markup {whatever}


    R1*4^\markup {whatever}

How can I automatically apply the width of the markup string to the width of the multi-rest bar?

Take a look in ly/ to find out what \fatText does, then change
the TextScript to MultiMeasureRestText.

fatText = \override TextScript  #'no-spacing-rods = ##f
emptyText = \override TextScript  #'no-spacing-rods = ##t

I've added the following to the manual:

Warning!  This text is created by @code{MultiMeasureRestText}, not

\override TextScript #'padding = #5
\override MultiMeasureRestText #'padding = #5

Kris Shaffer
graduate student in music theory, Yale University

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