On 8/20/05, Bec and John Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Brett,
> A more GUI-based solution is to output to PDF as normal, then just
> "Save as..." from Preview.app as a PNG.

An even more Mac-ish GUI-ish solution is to output to pdf as normal,
open the pdf in Preview, and then avail yourself of the magic
shift-command-3 and shift-command-4 commands in MacOS. Both key
combinations are available in any application and let you take a
"picture" of either your entire desktop or a user-definable region,

Obviously this isn't good for getting pngs of entire *pages* of music;
but if you're wanting to crop a small snippet of music (say for a
webpage or to send to the user list) then shift-command-4 is ideal.

Output from both commands will appear on the desktop by default, with
filenames like "Picture 1", "Picture 2", ...

[Disclaimer: Heed David Fedoruk's point at the end of the thread,
however; I love Lily under OS X, but I wouldn't dream of using it
without the commandline.]

Trevor Bača
lilypond-user mailing list

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