Well, from your four examples, and from Han-Wen's remarks, it looks like
you will have to give up on using wordwrap:  I think you will have to
produce each line of the text individually, given LilyPond's current

If you define the lines in variables,

La = "this string is the first line of text"
Lb = "this string is the second line of text"
Lc = "this string is the third line of text"

and so on, guessing as well as you can how to break up the text
into lines, then you can write

\markup { La }
\markup { Lb }
\markup { Lc }

or instead, the following might work:

\markup { \column { La Lb Lc } }

I haven't been using LilyPond for very long, but I think you could write
something like

\markup {  \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.2) \column { La Lb Lc } }

or maybe

\markup { \column { \override #'(baseline-skip . 1.2) La Lb Lc } }

to control the vertical spacing of the lines.  But at least one of those
two possibilities is not correct syntax.  I'm pressed for time tonight, so
I can't try these things out at the moment.

As to whether you could throw in a   \justify   before or inside
the \column {...} construct, I don't know, but it would be worth a try.

-- Tom


On Wed, 24 Aug 2005, Aaron Mehl wrote:

> Well I have to admit I only tried two of the examples
> \markup {
>   this is normal  text
>   \override #'(linewidth . 60)
>   \wordwrap {
>     "ABC cde"
>   }
> works and gives me  edc  CBA but for a long lines it
> keeps going off the page (no word wrap?)I gather the
> override linewidth should be set to something
> different for this to work?...
> }
> \markup {
>   this is normal  text
>   \override #'(linewidth . 40)
>   \justify {
>     "ABC def
>      ABC def
>      ABC def
> "
>   }
> if I make separate lines they come out as a mess one
> on top of the other.
> }
> \markup {
>   \override #'(linewidth . 40)
> {  \wordwrap-string #" ABC def "
> Here the word wrap does work but the word order for
> hebrew comes out:
> CBA fed (left to right word order right to left letter
> order)
>   \justify-string #"
> ABC def
> ABC def
> ABC def
> " }
> Here the justify works but on the english side not the
> hebrew. The hebrew word order is also wrong:
> CBA fed
> CBA fed
> CBA fed
> (left to right word order right to left letter order)
> I am sorry I didn't test this better previously.
> So I can get the correct word order it is just the
> justify and wordwrap that are acting flakey.
> Thanks
> Aaron

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