>     I just type-set a piece using version 2.7.7 and this piece also
> had some ties in it.  In this example I thought the new behavior was
> a bit odd as I have two ties in a row but they are longer note
> values and should they not appear at the same level? I noticed that
> the change-log gives an example of this new feature but the first
> note is tied to a very short note followed by a longer one.

I second that.  Especially in chords, short ties are moved too much
vertically from the `correct' place.  IMHO, this:

   /   \   _____   /   \
   \___/  /     \  \___/

looks *really* bad.  A tie, regardless of being short or long, must
not be placed completely between two staff lines if the notes are also
between the same two lines.

For further references I suggest that you take a Henle or UE edition
of Beethoven's piano sonatas (the later ones).


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