Or, for someone with a C compiler, the poor-man's algorithm is:

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < length; i++ )
        if ( (unsigned char)line1[i] > 127 )
            *line2++ = (char)(192 + (((unsigned char)line1[ i ]) / 64));
            *line2++ = (char)(128 + (((unsigned char)line1[ i ]) % 64));
            *line2++ = line[ i ];

But in general, the quickest solution is to load the file in Notepad, and
save as UTF-8.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: How can I avoid unicode and use Latin1? (Was: Wrong
characterswith jEdit)

> Mats Bengtsson wrote:
> > If you find this added flexibility in LilyPond 2.6 so annoying, then
> > you could use some program that converts a Latin1 coded file into
> > UTF-8 coding and even make a script file that first does the
> > conversion and then calls LilyPond. Unfortunately, I don't know
> > Windows well enough to provide any specific hints but there should
> > be several possibilities available.
> >
> >    /Mats
> >
> This sounds like a job for a sed script, but...
> I offer the following with NO WARRANTY.  I haven't used Windows in about
> a year so this is all from memory, but I am enclosing a VBScript file
> that should perform conversion from Latin-1 to UTF-8.  I haven't tested
> this.  Also, I never did figure out how to use command-line args with
> VBS, so you'll have to hardcode the input and output filenames each time
> (unless you have on-hand a guru who can improve this thing).  Anyhow,
> here goes.  You'll want to save this with a ".vbs" extension.
> '==== begin VBScript code ====
> Option Explicit
> Dim sInFileName, sOutFileName
> sInFileName = ""  ' Filename you wish to convert (with full path)
> sOutFileName = "" ' Filename you want for the output
> Dim oFSO
> Dim oInFile, sInString
> Dim oOutFile, sOutString
> Dim i, s
> Dim sTransArray(255)
> 'Populate the translation table
> For i = 128 To 191
>     sTransArray(i) = chr(&HC2) & chr(i)
> Next
> For i = 192 To 255
>     sTransArray(i) = chr(&HC3) & chr(i - 64)
> Next
> 'Read the input file as a single string
> Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
> Set oInFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sInFileName, 1, False, 0)
> sInString = oInFile.ReadAll
> oInFile.Close
> Set oInFile = Nothing
> 'Perform char-by-char translation
> sOutString = ""
> For i = 0 To Len(sInString)
>     s = Mid(sInString, i, 1)
>     If Asc(s) < 128 Then
>         sOutString = sOutString & s
>     Else
>         sOutString = sOutString & sTransArray(Asc(s))
>     End If
> Next
> 'Write the resulting file to the output file
> Set oOutFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(sOutFileName, 2, True, 0)
> oOutFile.Write(sOutString)
> oOutFile.Close
> 'Perform final housekeeping
> Set oOutFile = Nothing
> Set oFSO = Nothing
> End
> '==== end VBScript code ====
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