Hi @ll!

A friend of my family had some problems with capella typesetting
different voices at the same time.. So I suggested to use lilypond.

Put writing text without a great editor is a pain... You forgett to save
and computer crashes -> all your work is gone and so on.
The only great editor I know are:

(of course there are much more editors such like cooledit or nedit ..
but I think they haven't as much features as jedit has and you can
really extend jedit..)

Because this friend doesn't use computers very often I decided that vim
isn't a choice ;) And jEdit wins because of lily4jedit plugin.
The only drawback I know is speed due to java.. ;(
I don't know emacs (lisp) that well excpet that it also runs on windows.

The next problem was: She doesn't speak any English. Of course you can
learn where to save a file and so on, but what to do if there is a
message "The following files haven't been saved, yet .." or "disk

That was the reason why I've asked at the jEdit developement list why
not introduce some basic support for translations..

The lead developper Slava Pestov told me (and others) that jEdit is
"feature complete" and that I doesn't want wait for translators till he
can release new features.. and I he and others don't want to cope with
the hassle of naming features.. So for example if someone is speaking of
a "Klappe" who should know that he means "folding" ?
And of course it would be hard to find people who are willing to
translate the whole manual.. I think that is the reason why the manual
of lilypond ins't to be translated as well as far as I know...

So spend some days looking at the jEdit source and found that they use
property classes for storing all messages. A Property class is simply a
My Implementation by know just loads the translated property files
after the original ones replacing the English content. It works fine but
isn't perfect, e.g. umlauts aren't shown correctly by now.
And of course the menu is out of sync with the manual !

I also talked to Jan and he told me to send the patch to them when it's
perfect ;)
It will never be perfect because of some other things like shortcuts:
You can use Meta/Alt jkli to move the cursor... That's the default but
that also does mean you can't use jkli for shortcuts of the main menu..

So I want to address you to get to know how many people are interested
and to decide how much further effort to put into this project.. I want
to do some other things, as well :)

All you have to do is compiling jedit 4.3pre2 with my patch or ask me
for the jedit.jar file.
Then you have to put the translated jedit_gui.props file into the
directory translation where jedit.jar is located and rename it to

I've decided to call the translated files this way because they don't
harm existing jedit versions..

Translating plugins works the same way.. but you have to put the
translated file back into <plugin>.jar

Marc Weber

mmmhhh Writing such emails takes a lot of time ..

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